It’s not easy to talk about estate planning; after all, who wants to think about what might happen when they’re no longer here? It’s also a complicated topic, covering investments, tax and real estate, not to mention hard-to-navigate family issues. There’s far more to it than just making a will — find out exactly what’s involved in estate planning. As a result, many people make mistakes or forget important steps when developing their estate plan, which can lead to trouble for their loved ones.
IG Wealth Management |
Those Canadians (45%) who say that they have a retirement plan feel less stressed about their future because retirement feels more attainable. However, many of those are unaware of what a real retirement plan looks like. Regularly saving in a company pension plan, an RRSP or a TFSA is not a retirement plan.
IG Wealth Management |
Most people think of life insurance as a necessary expense. It’s something that you almost begrudgingly pay for, in the hope that you’ll never need it, but with the expectation that it will protect your family’s finances, should the worst happen.
In the third quarter of the year, higher interest rates and U.S. Treasury yields had a significant impact on U.S., Canadian and international equities.
IG Wealth Management |
If you die without leaving a will, it could become a major headache for your family members and loved ones. With no will, the government will decide on who gets your money and assets, and every province and territory have their own distinct intestate rules regarding who will benefit from your estate.
Determining the value of your business is a crucial step when considering selling. The valuation process can be complex, involving both quantitative assessments and qualitative judgments. This article guides medium-sized business owners on how to value their businesses.
Succession planning requires identifying and developing potential leaders within your organization who can step into critical roles when current leaders leave, retire, or otherwise can't perform their duties. Here are some reasons why it's vital.
Selling a business is a significant decision, often marking the culmination of years, if not decades, of hard work, perseverance, and dedication. The process can be complex and emotionally charged, and being well-prepared is key to ensuring a smooth transition and achieving the best possible outcome. This article will provide a detailed checklist to help guide medium-sized business owners through the necessary steps in preparing for the sale of their business.
If you owned a residential property in Canada on December 31, 2022, you might have to pay an Underused Housing Tax (UHT) if it was vacant or underused. Even if you’re not subject to tax, you may be required to file an Underused Housing Tax return to claim an exemption.